Monday, November 2, 2015


Recently,I was talking to a friend about rape,and we both had experiences that made me understand that almost every lady had experienced attempted rape[if not the actual rape].
The act of forcing sexual intercourse upon another person without their consent or against their will.
Many ladies experience rape they have never heard about,never seen in a movie or the ones they don't know exist.why?Because the media has portrayed rape to be something done with you,with a knife to your throat or a gun to your head in a dark place.
                        Most rape cases are not physically violent,they involve much deceptive tactics.The victims are coerced,manipulated,tricked and pressured into doing the will of the predator,when they don't want to and when they firmly say NO.
Rape doesn't have to be committed by a stranger,due to research 80% of rapes are carried out by someone you know,it could be your husband,boyfriend,friend,relative or co-worker.some people don't even know when it occurs.I know of a lady that was raped in her home by a friend.

According to her:He started touching and making uncomfortable talk,he pushed me until he got what he wanted,i kept telling him NO but that didn't stop him.I cried while it happened,i pleaded but he kept going.He made me feel like i was over-reacting.He convinced me that i made the choice to have sex with him,that it was a mistake we both made.He won me over,the same way society would ask me why i invited a man home and why i didn't have bruises to go with my allegation.

We have to make society see that there is more to rape[The unthinkable and Unspeakable] by empowering people with our stories/experiences.There is no such thing as convincing or talking someone into having sex.We have to judge the rapist not the victim.

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